Registration - Temporary

Fill out the form below and we'll be in touch with any opportunities.

  • Personal Information
  • Right to work
  • Further information
  • Work history
  • Declarations
  • Temporary workers information
  • Terms for Registration of Temporary Workers

Personal information


Next of kin

National insurance number

Do you need a permit or visa to work in the UK?

Do you need a permit or visa to work in the UK?

Upload documentation here (Please ensure that a tick with the file name appears on your screen before you move to the next step)

Max. size: 256.0 MB

EU settlement scheme status

Right to work ID

Please upload right to work documentation (Please ensure that a tick with the file name appears on your screen before you move to the next step)

Max. size: 256.0 MB

Proof of address

Please upload proof of address (Please ensure that a tick with the file name appears on your screen before you move to the next step)

Max. size: 256.0 MB

Please ensure that all of the files attached have successfully been uploaded.

Further information

What kind of work are you looking for?

Types of work

Types of work

How would you travel to work?

Preferred shifts

Please upload proof of any relevant licences/certifications (Please ensure that a tick with the file name appears on your screen before you move to the next step)

Max. size: 256.0 MB

Work history

Do you have a CV you can upload?

Please upload your CV (Please ensure that a tick with the file name appears on your screen before you move to the next step)

Max. size: 256.0 MB

Employment details to cover a minimum of your last two years work history

Starter Declaration - PAYE

The following section is to register for temporary work only.


Harvey McQueen Holiday information

The holiday year runs from 1st January – 31st December (effective from 2022), Holidays are accrued on an hourly basis and can only be paid out once accrued. Any sickness, lateness or non-attendance will lower your accrual. UNDER THE Working Time Regulation 1998, the Temporary Worker is entitled pro-rata to four weeks’ paid leave per annum (including bank holidays).All entitlement to leave must be taken during the course of the leave year in which it accrues and none may be carried forward to the next leave year. Failure to take any holiday by the end of the holiday year in which the entitlement arises will result in such outstanding holiday being forfeited. The Temporary Worker holiday fund is accrued on an hourly basis and is allocated to a fund weekly for when holidays are taken. The right to paid leave accrues in proportion to the amount to time worked continuously by the Temporary Worker on assignment during the leave year. The Temporary Worker may not take more paid leave than has accrued to him/her at the time of such holiday. Where the Temporary Worker wishes to take any leave to which he/she is entitles, he/she should notify the Employment Business in writing of the dates of his/her absence. The Temporary Worker is required to give the Employment Business at least two weeks’ notice of his/her intention to take leave. Holiday requests and requested in writing by email to Unless the Employment Business informs the Temporary Worker in writing that it is not possible for him/her to take leave on the specified dates, the Temporary Worker shall be entitles to take up his notified leave entitlement. None of the Provisions of this clause regarding the statutory entitlement to paid leave shall affect the Temporary Worker’s status as a self-employed worker. Following termination of your assignment, requests for outstanding holidays must be made in writing within 4 weeks via email to The above statement is in accordance with Section 224 of the Employment Act 1996.

GDPR Statement

Harvey McQueens GDPR statement

I hereby give my consent to Harvey McQueen Limited to process the following information: Personal data Name Date of Birth Contact details, including telephone number, email address and postal address Experience, training and qualifications CV National insurance number Sensitive personal data Disability/health condition relevant to the role Criminal conviction I consent Harvey McQueen Limited to process the above personal data for the following purposes: To provide me with work-finding services, to process or transfer my personal data to their client(s) in order to provide me with work-finding services, to process my data on a computerised database in order to provide me with work-finding services, to process my data using automated decision making processes, include any other relevant purposes for processing personal data. I also consent to Harvey McQueen processing my personal data with third parties for the purposes of internal audits and investigations carried out on the Company to ensure that the Company is complying with all relevant laws and obligations. I understand that if I work for Harvey McQueen Limited some details to be kept for 7 years for payroll purposes. I am aware that I have the right to withdraw my consent at any time by informing the Company that I wish to do so.

48 hour opt-out agreement

48 hour opt-out agreement

1. DEFINITIONS 1.1 In this Agreement the following definitions apply: “Agency Worker” means the Agency Worker supplied by the Employment Business to provide services to the Hirer; “Assignment” means the period during which the Agency Worker is supplied to provide services to the Client; “Client” means the person, firm or corporate body using the services of the Agency Worker; “Employment Business” Harvey McQueen Limited, Barwood House, Bradshaw Brow, Bolton, BL2 3DD; “Hirer” means the person, firm or corporate body together with any subsidiary or associated person, firm or corporate body (as the case may be) to whom the Agency Worker is supplied or introduced; and “Working Week” means an average of 48 hours each week calculated over a 17-week reference period. 1.2. References to the singular include the plural and references to the masculine include the feminine and vice versa. 1.3. The headings contained in this Agreement are for convenience only and do not affect their interpretation. 2. RESTRICTION The Working Time Regulations 1998 (as amended) provide that the Agency Worker shall not work on an Assignment with the Client in excess of the Working Week unless s/he agrees in writing that this limit should not apply. 3. CONSENT The Agency Worker hereby agrees that the Working Week limit shall not apply to the Assignment. 4. WITHDRAWAL OF CONSENT 4.1 The Agency Worker may end this Agreement by giving the Employment Business 1 weeks notice in writing. 4.2 For the avoidance of doubt, any notice bringing this Agreement to an end shall not be construed as termination by the Agency Worker of an Assignment with a Client. 4.3 Upon the expiry of the notice period set out in clause 4.1 the Working Week limit shall apply with immediate effect. 5. THE LAW This Agreement is governed by the law of England & Wales and is subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of England & Wales.

Health & Disability

The following questions are asked in order to find out your needs in terms of reasonable adjustments to access our recruitment services and to find out your needs in order to perform the job or position sought

Do you have any health issues or a disability relevant which may make it difficult for you to carry out functions which are essential for the role you seek

Criminal convictions

Do you have any unspent criminal convictions?

Certain types of employment and professions are exempt from the rehabilitation of the offender's act 1974 and in those cases particularly where the employment is sought in relation to the positions involving working with children or vulnerable adults, details for all criminal convictions should be given. The information given will be treated in the strictest confidence and only taken into account where, in the reasonable opinion of Harvey McQueen, the offence is relevant to the post to which you are applying.

Please ensure you have read the following statements carefully.

Please ensure that all of the files attached have successfully been uploaded.

Temporary workers information

Please read the following information as it will explain in detail the process of submitting weekly time sheets, along with how your wages and holiday pay will be paid. Every week you must complete a time sheet. This must be emailed to by no later than 5.00pm on Fridays or 10.00am on Monday mornings for those who work nights and weekends. Failure to ensure this is received by Harvey McQueen, by the time stated may jeopardise your pay. The time sheet must be signed by you and your manager, with the hours worked clearly visible and correct week ending date. Hours worked can only be paid in 15 minute intervals, for example if you start work at 8.50am you can only submit hours which state you started at 9.00am. Holiday pay is accrued in a fund. When paid out this will feature on you pay slip underneath your hourly rate. Your holiday pay is calculated at 12.07% of your hourly rate. This is set by government legislation. Once you have worked within a contract for more than 12 weeks you will move over to the same hourly rate and holiday entitlement as permanent members of staff. This can be explained to you if and when applicable. If you have any queries about your pay, please call Harvey McQueen on 01204 300612 and they can help with your query. Payments will be made one week in arrears, for example after working week 1, you will get that payment on Friday of week 2 and week 2 will be paid on Friday in week 3 and so on. Payments can be paid at any point up until midnight on the Friday. You may find that you receive payments before then, however Harvey McQueen reserves the right to make payments up until this period. Payments will not be made after this point.

Temporary workers information

Terms for Registration of Temporary Workers. Please read carefully and sign

THIS AGREEMENT is made BETWEEN: Harvey McQueen Ltd and (the Temporary Worker) DEFINITIONS 1. In this agreement the following definitions apply: Assignment means the period during which the Temporary Worker renders services. Client means the person requiring the services of Harvey McQueen to provide the services of personnel and or introduce personnel. Working Week means an average of 48 hours each week calculated over a 17 week reference period. ASSIGNMENTS 2.1 Harvey McQueen will endeavour to obtain suitable Assignments for the Temporary Worker. 2.2 Due to varying Client requirements Harvey McQueen operates two separate terms of business. Harvey McQueen will either, (a) act as a Temporary Worker’s principal by directly supplying his/her services to the client. The terms of the Temporary Workers relationship will be governed by schedule 1; or (b) act as an agent to introduce the Temporary Worker to the Client, to whom the Temporary Worker will then provide his/her services, in which case his/her relationship with Harvey McQueen will be governed by Schedule 2 and his/her relationship with the client will be on terms agreed between the Temporary Worker and the Client. 2.3 Throughout the period of this contract the Temporary Worker will be self-employed and will be working either: (a) under a contract for services with Harvey McQueen when supplied in accordance with 2.2(a):or (b) under a contract for services with the client when introduced in accordance with 2.2(b). 2.4 The Temporary Worker acknowledges that specific legislation governing the tax treatment of workers assigned by employment agencies requires his/her earnings to be subject to direct deduction of income tax and national insurance contribution under PAYE regulations as if he/she were an employee. 2.5 The Temporary Worker will be notified on commencement of each Assignment which of the arrangements in 2.2 is applicable and of the terms and conditions governing the arrangement. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 3. The Temporary Worker acknowledges that there may be periods when no suitable work is available and agrees that his/her suitability for a particular Assignment of Client shall be determined solely by Harvey McQueen and (b) that Harvey McQueen shall incur no liability to the Temporary Worker if it fails to offer a suitable (or any) Assignment. UNDERTAKINGS 4.1 Where Harvey McQueen has introduced the Temporary Worker to the client or any third party the Temporary Worker undertakes not to, whether directly or indirectly: (i) accept any offer of a temporary or permanent placement with the Client or any third party; or (ii) to engage himself/herself or any other person, firm or company with the Client or any third party without Harvey McQueen’s knowledge and not until Harvey McQueen have agreed terms with the third party. 4.2 The Temporary Worker undertakes to perform all Assignment to the best of his/her ability, confirms that all career information and details of professional and academic qualification supplied to Harvey McQueen is correct and undertakes to inform Harvey McQueen of any additional information that will affect any assignment. 4.3 The Temporary Worker confirms that he/she has no previous criminal convictions and that he/she will advise Harvey McQueen immediately of any subsequent convictions arising during the Assignment (convictions do not include spent convictions within the meaning of the Rehabilitation Act 1974) RESTRICTION 5. The Working Time Regulations 1998 provide that the Temporary Worker shall not work on an assignment with the Client in excess of the working week unless he/she agrees in writing that this limit should not apply. CONSENT 6. The Temporary Worker hereby agrees that the working week limit shall not apply to the assignment. WITHDRAWAL OF CONSENT 7.1 The temporary Worker may end this agreement by giving Harvey McQueen one months’ notice in writing. 7.2 For the avoidance of doubt, any notice bringing this agreement to an end shall not be construed as termination by the Temporary Worker of an assignment with a Client. 7.3 Upon expiry of the notice period set out in clause 7.1 the working week limit shall apply with immediate effect. 7.4 If the Temporary Worker has withdrawn consent to work in excess of the working week them the Temporary Worker must inform the Client when they commence an assignment. GOVERNING LAW 8. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and the parties submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts. Terms of Assignment of Temporary Workers - (schedule 1) BETWEEN Harvey McQueen LTD and its trading divisions hereinafter called THE ‘EMPLOYMENT BUSINESS’; and (see page one) hereinafter called the ‘TEMPORARY WORKER’. THE CONTRACT 2.1 This assignment terminates on Friday each week. 2.2 These terms constitute a contract between the Employment Business and the Temporary Worker and govern this assignment. 2.3 For the avoidance of doubt, these terms do not give rise to a contract of employment between the Employment Business and the Temporary Worker. 2.4 This assignment is not continuous and with any previous period of work with any other client of the Employment Business. 2.5 No variation or alterations of these terms shall be valid unless approved in writing by a director of the Employment Business. ASSIGNMENTS 3.1 The Temporary Worker acknowledges that the nature of temporary work means that there may be periods when no suitable work available and agrees: that suitable shall be determined solely by the Employment Business; and that the Employment Business shall incur no liability to the Temporary Worker should it fail to offer opportunities for work. 3.2 For the purpose or calculating he average number of weekly hours worked by the Temporary Worker on an Assignment, the start date for the relevant averaging period under the Working Time Regulations shall be 1st October 1998 or the date on which the Temporary Worker commences the first Assignment, if later. RATES OF PAY 4.1 The Employment Business shall pay the Temporary Worker weekly in arrears the rate specified for each hours worked and shall deduct there-from and account for all applicable taxes (including, without limitation, any National Insurant contributions) required by law. 4.2 Subject to any statutory entitlement under the relevant legislation, the Temporary Worker is not entitled to receive payment from the Employment Business or Client s for time not spent on Assignment, whether in respect of holidays, illness or absence for any other reason unless otherwise agreed. STATUTORY LEAVE 5.1 The Harvey McQueen holiday year runs from 1st January each year to 31st December. 5.2. UNDER THE Working Time Regulation 1998, the Temporary Worker is entitled pro-rate to four weeks’ paid leave per annum. All entitlement to leave must be taken during the course of the leave year in which it accrues and none may be carried forward to the next leave year. Failure to take any holiday by the end of the holiday year in which the entitlement arises will result in such outstanding holiday being forfeited. 5.3 The Temporary Worker is paid for holiday entitlement on an hourly basis in advance and the Employment Business set off any such payments during the holiday period, in lieu of untaken holiday or on termination of an assignment, it being acknowledged and agreed that he/she has received full holiday pay in advance. 5.4 The right to paid leave accrues in proportion to the amount to time worked continuously by the Temporary Worker on assignment during the leave year. The Temporary Worker may not take more paid leave than has accrued to him/her at the time of such holiday. 5.5 Where the Temporary Worker wishes to take any leave to which he/she is entitles, he/she should notify the Employment Business in writing of the dates of his/her absence. The Temporary Worker is required to give the Employment Business at least two weeks notice of his/her intention to take leave. Unless the Employment Business informs the Temporary Worker in writing that it is not possible for him/her to take leave on the specified dates, the Temporary Worker shall be entitles to take up his notified leave entitlement. 5.6 Any Bank and statutory holidays taken will count as part of the Temporary Workers holiday entitlement and his/her holiday entitlement will be reduced accordingly. 5.7 None of the Provisions of this clause regarding the statutory entitlement to paid leave shall affect the Temporary Worker’s status as a self-employed worker. OBLIGATIONS 6. The Temporary Worker is not obliged to accept the Assignment specified but on acceptance (by attendance as required) he/she will supply his/her services to the Employment Business in order to enable it to supply services to the client. The Temporary Worker undertakes as appropriate: (i) To co-operate with the Clients’ staff and accept the direct supervision and instruction of any responsible person in the Clients’ organisation; (ii) To observe any rules and regulations of the Client’s establishment to which attention has been drawn or which the Temporary Worker might reasonably be expected to be aware of; (iii) To conform to the normal hours of work currently in force at the Client’s establishment unless arrangements have been made to the contrary; (iv) To comply with the health and safety policy of the Client and to take all reasonable steps to safeguard his/her own safety and the safety of any other person who may be affected by his/her actions. (v) Not to engage in any conduct detrimental to the interest of the Client; and (vi) Not to offer his/her services or the services of any third party to the client without giving the Employment Business the opportunity to represent him/her. TERMINATION 7. If the Temporary Worker fails to complete this Assignment, or fails to attend work for any reason this Assignment shall thereupon terminate and all outstanding remuneration shall become payable. TIME SHEETS 8.1 At the end of each week the Temporary Worker shall deliver to the Employment Business a time sheet signed by the Temporary Worker and by an authorised representative to the Client confirming the number of hours worked by the Temporary Worker pursuant to the Assignment. The Employment Business shall not make any payment to the Temporary Worker unless a properly authenticated time sheet has been received. 8.2 For the avoidance of doubt and for the purposes of the Working Time Regulations, the Temporary Workers working time shall only consist of those periods during which he is carrying out his activities or duties for the Company as part of the Assignment. Time spent travelling to the Company’s premises; lunch breaks and other rest breaks shall not count as part of the Temporary’s working time for these purposes. CANCELLATION 9.1 The Employment Business may without notice and without liability (except for remuneration for hours worked on the Assignment) instruct the Temporary Worker to end an Assignment at any time. 9.2 If the Temporary Worker is unable for any reason to work on an Assignment he/she shall inform the Client and the Employment Business no later than the start time of the Assignment on the first day of absence to enable alternative arrangements to be made. CONFIDENTIALITY 10.1 The Temporary Worker will not at any time divulge to any person, nor use for his/her own or any other person’s benefit, any information in relation to the Client’s or the Employment Business’s employees, business affairs, transactions or finances. 10.2 Upon termination of , or at any time during, the Assignment for whatever reason, the Temporary Worker shall deliver to the Client of the Employment Business all books, documents, papers, materials, and other property (including copies thereof) belonging to or relating to the business of the Client or the Employment Business which may be in his/her possession or under his/her control. GOVERNING LAW 11, This agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordant with the laws of England and the parties hereby submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts. Terms of Contract of Temporary Workers - (Schedule 2) BETWEEN Harvey McQueen Ltd and its trading divisions hereinafter called the ‘Agent’; and (see page one) hereinafter called the ‘Temporary Worker’. THE CONTRACT 2.1 This assignment terminates on Friday each week. 2.2 For the avoidance of doubt, these terms do not give rise to a contract of employment between the Employment Business and the Temporary Worker. 2.3 This assignment is not continuous and with any previous period of work with any other client of the Employment Business. 2.4 No variation or alterations of these terms shall be valid unless approved in writing by a director of the Employment Business. UNDERTAKING 3. An Associate of the Agent has undertaken with the Client, on receipt of all funds necessary to meet the Clients obligations to pay the Temporary Worker the net remuneration due to him/her under his/her contract for services with the client and to deduct from any pay all income Tax, National Insurance contributions and other amounts required to be deducted by law. For the avoidance of doubt, the Temporary Worker confirms that the Agent and the Associate shall have no liability to the Temporary Worker in respect of amounts due from the Client save to the extent of their own default. OBLIGATIONS 4. The Temporary Worker is not obliged to accept the Assignment offered by the Agent but on acceptance (by attendance as required) he/she undertakes to fulfil the terms of that Assignment and as appropriate; (i)To co-operate with the Clients’ staff and accept the direct supervision and instruction of any responsible person in the Clients’ organisation; (ii)To observe any rules and regulations of the Client’s establishment to which attention has been drawn or which the Temporary Worker might reasonably be expected to be aware of; (iii)To conform to the normal hours of work currently in force at the Client’s establishment unless arrangements have been made to the contrary; (iv)To comply with the health and safety policy of the Client and to take all reasonable steps to safeguard his/her own safety and the safety of any other person who may be affected by his/her actions. (v)Not to engage in any conduct detrimental to the interest of the Client; and (vi)Not to offer his/her services or the services of any third party to the client without giving the Employment Business the opportunity to represent him/her. TERMINATION 5. If the Temporary Worker fails to complete this Assignment, or fails to attend work for any reason this Assignment shall thereupon terminate and all outstanding remuneration shall become payable. TIME SHEETS 6.1 At the end of each week the Temporary Worker shall deliver to the Employment Business a time sheet signed by the Temporary Worker and by an authorised representative to the Client confirming the number of hours worked by the Temporary Worker pursuant to the Assignment. The Employment Business shall not make any payment to the Temporary Worker unless a properly authenticated time sheet has been received. 6.2 For the avoidance of doubt and for the purposes of the Working Time Regulations, the Temporary Workers working time shall only consist of those periods during which he is carrying out his activities or duties for the Company as part of the Assignment. Time spent travelling to the Company’s premises; lunch breaks and other rest breaks shall not count as part of the Temporary’s working time for these purposes. CANCELLATION 7.1 The Employment Business may without notice and without liability (except for remuneration for hours worked on the Assignment) instruct the Temporary Worker to end an Assignment at any time. 7.2 If the Temporary Worker is unable for any reason to work on an Assignment he/she shall inform the Client and the Employment Business no later than the start time of the Assignment on the first day of absence to enable alternative arrangements to be made. CONFIDENTIALITY 8.1 The Temporary Worker will not at any time divulge to any person, nor use for his/her own or any other person’s benefit, any information in relation to the Client’s or the Employment Business’s employees, business affairs, transactions or finances. 8.2 Upon termination of , or at any time during, the Assignment for whatever reason, the Temporary Worker shall deliver to the Client of the Employment Business all books, documents, papers, materials, and other property (including copies thereof) belonging to or relating to the business of the Client or the Employment Business which may be in his/her possession or under his/her control. 9. GOVERNING LAW This agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordant with the laws of England and the parties hereby submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.

